Role of Higher Education in Nurturing Entrepreneurs

Does our higher education cater to future entrepreneurs?

There is “Never too young to start an empire” and then there is “Proper preparation prevents poor performance”.

To all the educational institutions out there, today, I want you to ask yourself this question – “Does our higher education cater to future entrepreneurs?”

Entrepreneurship, without a doubt, one of the most widely used terms in today’s world. The future is looking at entrepreneurs and their brilliant ideas that take this nation forward.

Let’s look at the aspects that make entrepreneurship an achievable goal to the students.

Entrepreneurship as a Subject

The moment you include entrepreneurship as an “extra activity class”, it loses its purpose. Entrepreneurship is not an “extra”, it’s a crucial skill to hone. Educational institutions, especially the higher education sector, must include entrepreneurship as a compulsory subject.

Entrepreneurship is a subject that contributes to the overall skill development of an individual. So, be a job seeker or a job creator – entrepreneurship helps shape the best version of the individuals.  T-TRIBE (the latest initiative of T-hub) plays a pivotal role in introducing students to entrepreneurship with expertly and exclusively curated programs.


This world is dominated by technology and digital advancements. As an educational institution, if you are not familiarizing your students with these areas, then you are not doing enough. It is important for the students to have an understanding of the technical requirements and it is even more crucial for the entrepreneurs to know their way around technology. 

Technology has a huge role to play in an entrepreneurial journey.

Experiential Learning

While theoretical knowledge holds its importance, it’s paramount to give experiential learning its prominence. Gone are the days where students are given a chance to explore the real world after they graduate, today the companies expect the candidates to have some kind of practical knowledge even before they start their professional journeys. This experiential learning works wonders for future entrepreneurs as well. It helps them get working on their entrepreneurial ventures with a more informed mind. 

Experience helps entrepreneurs in avoiding a lot of errors and builds confidence.

Exclusively Curated Programs

Entrepreneurship cannot be a  “one size fits all”. It is important to identify the groups and tailor the programs accordingly. Exclusively curated programs enhance the results by double fold. For example, of the most successful programs of T-TRIBE – Launchpad Program caters exclusively to the college students and makes sure students reap maximum benefits out of the program like mentor connects, incubation opportunities and more.

Incubation Opportunities

What is the point of possessing all the knowledge and skills when you do not have the opportunity to implement in the real world! It is important to enlighten students on the subject and it is more important to provide the opportunities that allow them to implement their visions. Every college must have a fully functioning, quality incubation centre that makes ideas into reality. 

T-TRIBE is proud to have a program that makes this happen. Our Kickstart Program help colleges run a quality and global level incubation program. This program makes sure every young entrepreneur gets a chance to implement their idea right college level. 

Role of Government 

When it comes to revolutionizing changes like this, the role of government plays a crucial role. Government is bound to look at the bigger picture and introduce initiatives that positively impact a larger section of the society. Entrepreneurship should not be limited to the high rise buildings and urban population, we have to instil entrepreneurial thinking in students across the state/country. T-hub – a Telangana government initiative is making this happen by establishing the importance of entrepreneurship and by opening up several opportunities for students to thrive in a highly competitive world. 

Things around us are changing in a neck-breaking speech. Every minute there is a new discovery and every day there is a skill to hone. The only to conquer and come out successful is to be prepared and keep up with the pace. Without any question, entrepreneurship is the way to achieve this.  The education sector has a huge responsibility in preparing students for the future. T-TRIBE is proud and excited to be playing a role in this entrepreneurial revolution.
